A: Cervical bubo in patient with bubonic plague. 
B: Bleeding into the skin in patient with septicemic plague.
C: Gangrene of the digits during the recovery phase of illness of patient shown in B

Health Effects: Symptoms, Long term Effects & Prognosis

Once humans have been infected with bubonic plague, they can infect others quite rapidly. Early symptoms of plague include fever, painful swelling of the lympg node glands called buboes (this is how it got its name: bubonic plague) and violent sneezing which usually occurred just before the infected person died. The infection then causes spots on the skin, first red in appearance similar to a rash then they turn black. From there the bacteria can spread to the blood stream where it then becomes Septicemic plague. Septicemic plague occurs when the presence of pathogenic microorganisms and their toxic products enter into the bloodstream. The disease kills 50 - 60% of victims in the bubonic form but unfortunately is universally fatal in the septicemic form.

The Pneumonic plague is when the disease becomes a lung infection and is spread through coughing. When spread it occurs rapidly and has devastating effects especially in the densely populated medieval cities of Europe. The plague's nickname was recieved due to the patients dying cyanotic-black in colour.

Created By Amy Marmin